Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I have Wiki'ed!!

So I found quite a few interesting Wiki sources. Again this is a lot like Youtube where your info. is coming from who knows where and who knows who, but there are a lot of interesting and knowledgeable people out there, and why not let them share it and let others gain from it. Plus you can find out others' opinions regarding certain subjects. A favorite I happened upon was: http://seuss.wikia.com/wiki/Dr._Seuss_Wiki Just because I love Dr. Suess and his rhynming stories, cause I often find myself talking in rhyme and have also considered granting myself a doctorate title. Dr. Andrea has a nice ring to it!

1 comment:

~ Artemis ~ said...

Who doesn't love Dr. Seuss? My daughter (she is a teenager) went to see Horton Hears a Who! and loved it.
I will wait for it to come out on DVD,
and watch it on my own TV.
I will not find it up a tree.
That's just silly, don't you see?

Hehe...Sorry :)